Jennifer Scroggins

Frontend Engineer, Ann Arbor, MI

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Jennifer Scroggins

Frontend Engineer

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How did you get into engineering?

I started messing around with creating my own websites all the way back in 1995/96 after I discovered that AOL gave every user a free 2mb to host whatever they wanted. I learned to code and style html by viewing the source of other websites and trying things out until they worked. My proudest accomplishment at that time was a Xena Warrior Princess fansite replete with every free animated gif I could get my hands on.

What is your day to day?

I have ADHD, so my brain is a bit like a wild horse. Every day I get up, get some caffeine in me, check the emails, check the slack, participate in meetings, and then get down to the real work... catching that wild horse, getting it under control and holding on as long as I can to accomplish my work goals for the day. Some days that horse is harder to hold onto, other days it all comes together and it's a beautiful ride straight into the sunset.

What do you do in your spare time?

I've always enjoyed caring for living, growing things and in the last few years I've shifted my focus to vegetable gardening. It’s so satisfying (and delicious!) to cook with produce that I've grown myself. The past two seasons I've grown everything from seed and it’s still incredible to me how much plant matter springs forth from the tiniest of seeds. Currently, I only have a balcony garden but I'm in the process of looking for a house with enough space to get into permaculture. I'd love to establish a food forest that can feed me well into my retirement.

What does your workspace look like?

My office is a disaster... but here are some pictures of my garden at its peak this summer.

What music do you listen to and why?

I've been a fan of electronic music for as long as I can remember. As a kid my favorite album in my parents’ collection was Jan Hammer's Miami Vice soundtrack and these days I've found myself gravitating towards similar music that tickles my nostalgia receptors. My playlists are full of artists like Mitch Murder, Kavinsky, FM-84, and projects by Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein.

Playlist by Jennifer S


Pan-galactic tunes for code monkeys in and out of orbit.


Mitch Murder





Warp Drive






If you could compare yourself with any animal, which would it be and why?

I’m probably part feline at this point, or at least on their wavelength. I live with two cats and spend quite a bit of time meeting their demands. If you gave them a survey of how I'm doing, I'm sure they'd check "satisfactory but needs improvement". They're picky like that.

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